Part of the Glyn Academies Trust


At Hillcroft, we intend for every child to leave this phase of their education enthused about, and engaged with, reading. The culture of the school will foster a life-long love of reading, whether it be for information, pleasure or other purposes.    By providing children with a wide-range of age-appropriate, diverse and varied resources, our children’s horizons and aspirations will be broadened and they will be exposed to worlds that they may not have experienced. Reading teaching will focus on securing skills through a sequential and progressive pedagogy; from decoding and fluency to inference and interpretation, depending on children’s individual needs.  Their confidence in reading will enable them to make a positive contribution to society and prepare them for accessing the next stage of their education. Pupils will leave Hillcroft able to make the best life choices, supported by their ability to engage with the modern world through different text forms. 

Learning to read:

Reading is an incredibly important skill that underpins all learning, across the whole curriculum. Children apply their phonetic knowledge from Read Write Inc. sessions in their reading, decoding and reading words with increasing accuracy as they gain confidence. The sounds they are taught are built on in RWInc. books that they read in school, the books link to the sounds they have learnt so far. The children read during their daily RWInc. sessions. These sessions are to help the children to apply their phonetic knowledge in context as well as to support them in their comprehension of what they are reading.

For more information on our Phonics scheme, please see the Phonics tab: /144/phonics

When children are secure in their decoding skills, they continue building on the skills taught in Key Stage 1 during daily 30 mins Reading lessons.  Reading lessons focus on continuing to develop fluent expressive reading, improve understanding of language within a text as well as develop a deeper understanding and comprehension of what they are reading.

Love of reading:

Research specifically shows that the benefits of reading are more likely to be felt when reading takes place through free choice. The outcomes of reading will occur more often and more strongly if reading is enjoyable in the first instance. This is why developing a love of reading from the earliest moments is so important.

Reading is an everyday part of our lives, and at Hillcroft we work hard on ensuring that it is embedded in our culture.  We do this through…

  1. Class reading

  2. Disciplinary reading opportunities 

  3. Reading with the community

  4. Hillcroft  ‘book recommendations’ to encourage reading at home promoted in the Reception area for all to enjoy

  5. Collective reading in the school library

  6. Celebrating World Book Day

  7. Reading competitions 

  8. Providing autonomy for children to choose to read during free time

  9. Reading sheds in the playgrounds for children to have access to reading books at all times during the day

  10. Reading Ambassadors as part of the Pupil Parliament in KS2

  11. Book Clubs 




CUSP Reading

Children in KS2 take part in CUSP reading lessons. The CUSP reading curriculum is unapologetically ambitious and exposes children to an extensive range of diverse, high quality texts which cover a range of relevant social issues, moral dilemmas and ethical questions. The curriculum intends to empower the children whilst providing engaging reading experiences ensuring that every child leaves our school as a competent, confident reader. Our lessons focus on a structured learning sequence which explicitly teaches the core reading strategies. Children take part in scaffolded CUSP lessons which begin with explicit vocabulary instruction, followed by deliberate fluency instruction to develop their prosody, before explicit teaching of comprehension strategies. Each lesson focuses on a different key reading skill: summarising, retrieval, inference and predicting. Teaching follows an ‘I do, we do, you do’ model with regular opportunities for partner talk. All lessons are focused on diverse, high quality core texts, combined with supplementary texts created with clear links to the themes of the core text. Children are encouraged to make connections between texts and what they already know through high quality discussion. 

For more information on our CUSP Literature Spine, please visit the following link: Copy of CUSP-Literature-Spine-Thematic-mapping-2024-2025.pdf 

At Hillcroft, we intend for every child to leave this phase of their education enthused about, and engaged with, reading. The culture of the school will foster a life-long love of reading, whether it be for information, pleasure or other purposes.    By providing children with a wide-range of age-appropriate, diverse and varied resources, our children’s horizons and aspirations will be broadened and they will be exposed to worlds that they may not have experienced. Reading teaching will focus on securing skills through a sequential and progressive pedagogy; from decoding and fluency to inference and interpretation, depending on children’s individual needs.  Their confidence in reading will enable them to make a positive contribution to society and prepare them for accessing the next stage of their education. Pupils will leave Hillcroft able to make the best life choices, supported by their ability to engage with the modern world through different text forms. 

Learning to read:

Reading is an incredibly important skill that underpins all learning, across the whole curriculum. Children apply their phonetic knowledge from Read Write Inc. sessions in their reading, decoding and reading words with increasing accuracy as they gain confidence. The sounds they are taught are built on in RWInc. books that they read in school, the books link to the sounds they have learnt so far. The children read during their daily RWInc. sessions. These sessions are to help the children to apply their phonetic knowledge in context as well as to support them in their comprehension of what they are reading.

For more information on our Phonics scheme, please see the Phonics tab: /144/phonics

When children are secure in their decoding skills, they continue building on the skills taught in Key Stage 1 during daily 30 mins Reading lessons.  Reading lessons focus on continuing to develop fluent expressive reading, improve understanding of language within a text as well as develop a deeper understanding and comprehension of what they are reading.

Love of reading:

Research specifically shows that the benefits of reading are more likely to be felt when reading takes place through free choice. The outcomes of reading will occur more often and more strongly if reading is enjoyable in the first instance. This is why developing a love of reading from the earliest moments is so important.

Reading is an everyday part of our lives, and at Hillcroft we work hard on ensuring that it is embedded in our culture.  We do this through…

  1. Class reading

  2. Disciplinary reading opportunities 

  3. Reading with the community

  4. Hillcroft  ‘book recommendations’ to encourage reading at home promoted in the Reception area for all to enjoy

  5. Collective reading in the school library

  6. Celebrating World Book Day

  7. Reading competitions 

  8. Providing autonomy for children to choose to read during free time

  9. Reading sheds in the playgrounds for children to have access to reading books at all times during the day

  10. Reading Ambassadors as part of the Pupil Parliament in KS2

  11. Book Clubs 

CUSP Reading

Children in KS2 take part in CUSP reading lessons. The CUSP reading curriculum is unapologetically ambitious and exposes children to an extensive range of diverse, high quality texts which cover a range of relevant social issues, moral dilemmas and ethical questions. The curriculum intends to empower the children whilst providing engaging reading experiences ensuring that every child leaves our school as a competent, confident reader. Our lessons focus on a structured learning sequence which explicitly teaches the core reading strategies. Children take part in scaffolded CUSP lessons which begin with explicit vocabulary instruction, followed by deliberate fluency instruction to develop their prosody, before explicit teaching of comprehension strategies. Each lesson focuses on a different key reading skill: summarising, retrieval, inference and predicting. Teaching follows an ‘I do, we do, you do’ model with regular opportunities for partner talk. All lessons are focused on diverse, high quality core texts, combined with supplementary texts created with clear links to the themes of the core text. Children are encouraged to make connections between texts and what they already know through high quality discussion. 

For more information on our CUSP Literature Spine, please visit the following link: Copy of CUSP-Literature-Spine-Thematic-mapping-2024-2025.pdf 


Pupil Voice:


Which character would you like to swap lives with and why?


I would like to swap lives with Alex Bailey from The Land of Stories, book 2 because she and her twin brother go on lots of adventures in the fairy tale world. 

Chloe, Year 6 


Joe from Billionaire Boy. I would like to swap with him because he has lots of money and a really kind friend. If I had his money I would spend it on a helicopter. 

Jess, Year 3 


I would like to swap lives with Mr Strong as he is really strong and then I could be a really strong hockey player.

Lewis, Year 2 


Tell me about a moment in a book that made you laugh out loud. 


In Christmasaurus when the Christmasaurus lickes William like an excitable puppy! 

Ethan, Year 4 


It was in Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Deep End, when Grey wanted to know where all the poo and wee goes in a campervan!

Jacey, Year 4 


Aliens love underpants made me laugh cause they were silly with the underpants. They put the underpants on their heads.

Amelie, Reception








Progression of Skills and Knowledge:

At Hillcroft Primary School, we follow the National Curriculum.  From this, we ensure that skills and knowledge are taught in the appropriate year groups to ensure progression and sequencing.

Across Early Years, to ensure progression from the newly published Early Years Framework into KS1, we follow the revised and updated July 2021 version of Development Matters.  In our Nursery, children are aged three and four, and so the progression maps show the objectives related to Three and Four year-old objectives.  However, some children join after just turning three, therefore, with these children and following rigorous assessment of starting points, it may be deemed necessary to look at the Birth to Three objectives too.  For more information on this, please see the Nursery and Reception year group pages.  


Below are links to our Progression of Skills and Knowledge documents.

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