Hillcroft House System
Hillcroft Primary operates a house system involving all members of the school community, led by pupil and staff house captains. Our Hillcroft houses are:
Being part of a house team helps to create community spirit and provides an opportunity to contribute to something bigger, which involves all staff and children across the school. Children can earn house points and certificates individually for following our STRONG learning and behaviour values. House tokens are issued to children when they earn house points and are collected in our communal house point station. House tokens are counted termly, with the winning house receiving a house reward, such as a mufti-day.
In school house competitions are also held across the year, including sports day where children have the opportunity to work together as part of a larger team.Our house system encourages children to collaborate and work towards a common goal.
Our house system also supports raising children’s awareness of both local and national charities. This year, our houses have teamed up in pairs and will be leading a charity fundraising event throughout the year, raising awareness of the charity whilst raising money for the worthwhile cause. This year our chosen charities are:
Darwin and Lovelace - Local food bank (event will be run in Autumn 2)
Brunel and Newton- Royal Osteoporosis Society (event will be run in Spring term)
Children wear a T-shirt corresponding to their house colour for P.E.